Unibooks is an online marketplace where students can buy, sell, or trade used textbooks (and other stuff too).
I founded Unibooks hoping to solve the problem that students have a difficult time finding buyers and sellers for used textbooks.
SPOT is an application that monitors parking lots with a camera and sends the analyzed data to the user interface.
I created the web and mobile MVC using the MERN stack.
Designed and implemented a bank simulator following SOLID principles and utilizing design patterns such as command, strategy, singleton and visitor.
Semester-long, multi-part project which reflected real-world changing requirements that both the design and implementation needed to address throughout the lifetime of the project.
Public dashboard application providing real-time data visualizations of COVID-19, statistical data related to infection, and mortality rates with a focus at the county level within the US. Made as a group of three.
Hosted with a Heroku Free Dyno, initial load takes couple seconds.
Semester-long, multi-part phone bill application project that supports features such as creating and storing phone bills, entering calls, printing a phone bill and its calls, and searching for calls based on a time interval.
Implemented command line, REST, and Android interfaces.
Developed in a test-driven development fashion using testing frameworks such as JUnit, Hamcrest, and Mockito.
Boomshine Android game developed as the final project for my Java & Android programming class. Was given a 4 day time limit and worked with one partner.
Active and clear communication together with utilizing design patterns such as factory and strategy allowed us to quickly generate new ideas, implement new features, and fix bugs in the four day time crunch
Highlight Features: Three types of power-ups which could be purchased through coins that you earn during gameplay, user authentication, storing and retrieving user data such as coin amount, power-ups’ amount, and high scores.
I am a Software Engineer at AWS Elemental, an Amazon Web Services Company, and a Master of Computer Science student at Portland State University. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii but grew up in Beijing, China, and now I'm located in Beaverton, Oregon.